• :Address
    HUB Solutions, City tower, University road Peshawar
  • :Timeing
    Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm

Contact Us

  • 203 Madison Ave, NY, USA Address
  • Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm Timeing
  • envato@gmail.com Mail to us

Leads Management

Leads Management

Leads Management

Looking for solutions on how to reach potential customers! You are on the right track. Let me elaborate: Traditional can work, but it’s an old-fashioned and limited workspace where filtering appropriate clients was much more time consuming and requires more human resources. There are newer, better ways to market your brand. Shall we step into 2022? With smartphones and easier access to the internet, modern consumers are going digital. The best place to reach these technological prospects is through virtual platforms. HUB CRM has made things much simpler for organizations. Gaining quality and appropriate leads through multiple platforms, nurturing them, and turning them into happy paying customers. All is just at your fingertips. Get a complete view of all lead data i.e. personal details, a complete log of communication, File sharing, scheduling tasks, and many more in HUB CRM.

Evolution of user interface

  • Manual Leads addition
  • Social app’s new lead alert
  • Client categorization i.e. Hot, Cold, Moderate
  • Task scheduling
  • Add Follow-ups
  • Scheduled and overdue follow-up details
  • Activity details
  • e-mailing
  • File sharing